
Anc nd545 fault
Anc nd545 fault

Epicenter maps and hypocenter vertical sections, together with (i) best quality focal mechanisms coming from seismic waveform inversion and (ii) orientations of stress principal axes estimated by inversion of focal mechanisms, help us to better recognize geodynamic engines and plate margin deformation in the study area. Using Bayesian non-linear methods for hypocentral locations and hypocenter error estimates we improve the earthquake locations performed by more traditional linearized techniques, and this helps us to make significant progress in the interpretation of seismicity and seismogenic stress distributions especially where seismometric network geometry is more critical. We analyze an updated dataset of earthquakes of Southern Italy, focusing in particular on hypocenter locations and seismogenic stress distributions in the southern and eastearn offshores of Sicily, the two sectors of the study region where seismic and geodetic information needed for geodynamic modeling is still poor because of poor geometry of monitoring networks.

Anc nd545 fault